GRADES Get together & VizMac Awards

Grand Get Together event and Awards Ceremony of GRADES | Graphics & Design Society India held at Tribute Royale Hotel, Kochi on 12 November 2022. The event inaugurated by Mr. Percy Joseph, Vice President, Disney Star Network and Frank Thomas, Director, Asianet News along with Mr. Maju Simon and Densil Antony.

GRADES | Graphics & Design Society India Grades official conducted national awards called VizMac Awards, which is for Graphics, Editing, Design, Colouring and Promos. The first award function als was there same day. The first VizMac Awards are distributed to 4 winners at this event.

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Jayan BiggBrand 09 January 2023

Very nice website and very informative too. The design of the website is awesome. The photo gallery is an excellent collection.

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